Friday, November 2, 2007

Assignments and due dates

A few students have asked that I publish your assignments online, so I've started to do this. I will be using google documents to publish your assignments online so that you can work on them at home. This will hopefully save you from printing the document out.

I still recommend that everyone purchase a USB memory stick. You can purchase a 1gb unit from Stingers for between $20 and $25, or go to staples or at similar store and buy one yourself. This is the most efficient way to transport files between home and school

Here is the link to Assignment #5

Here is the link to Assignment #6

Assignment #5 and #6 are due by 3:30 pm on Friday November 9. This is the last possible day to hand in any assignments

Remember that you will be having your term test on Friday, so Monday and Wednesday will be the only classes when you can work on your assignments.

We will need a scribe on Monday as we will be learning lists, which is the basis for assignment #6.

Have a great weekend everyone.

Mr. Reece

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